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App Support

Thank you for playing 'Kentor and also Bloby'!
Have a general question about the characters or Planet J?
Have opinions to share about the game's content or feedback for the sequel?
Is the game not performing as well as it should?
Have you run into a bug in the game?

Whatever it may be, feel free to get in touch with us at this email address:

If the game isn't performing properly, please use 'Kentor Support' in the email subject line
so we can find your email and reply to your issue as soon as possible!

If you have questions or feedback please use 'Kentor Feedback' in the email subject line!
If you purchased the game we'll consider any feedback and any suggestions you have, especially if it comes from your kiddos.

Thanks again for playing!
We hope your time with the game goes smoothly but if it doesn't please let us know!

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